NR715 Week 4 Discussion Qualitative Article Critique


NR715 Scientific Underpinnings


  1. Conduct a search of the Chamberlain library to find a single source of qualitative research on the National Practice Problem selected in Week 3. Be sure to use the most recent evidence available (within the past 5 years).
  2. The qualitative source of evidence you select must be a single source of evidence. Systematic reviews are not permitted for this assignment.
  3. Present the written reference and permalink for the article selected.
  4. Summarize the article to include the method, design, aim/purpose, sample size and sample type, key findings/results, level, and quality grade.
  5. Describe the value of the qualitative research findings related to the National Practice Problem.
  6. Attach the completed Johns Hopkins Appraisal Tool to the discussion.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:


The article selected for this discussion is A qualitative study on men’s experiences of health after treatment for ischaemic heart disease (Elbrønd et al., 2022).

Ischemic heart disease continues to be a global burden concern, and studies have shown that it is the leading cause of mortality in the world, where men are affected more than women. The value of this study regarding ischemic heart disease is significant because it provides a framework that can lead to change in how we approach the treatment of ischemic heart disease in men’s health.

Method, Design, Aim/Purpose, and Sample Size

Elbrønd et al. (2022) look into men’s experiences of health after treatment for ischemic heart disease. ………please click the icon below to access NR715 Week 4 Discussion Qualitative Article Critique at $10